The Joys of Large Family Living,Homeschooling,Living on a Budget, Living more Natural with Doterra Wellness oils, Losing weight with Trim Healthy Mama and raising our Backyard Chickens. All In The Glory of God...
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Green Slime..Homeschool Science Project.
We decided to do a Science project making Green Slime. As you can see in the pictures the girls had a blast. This makes a great learning tool from going from solid to liquid and gives the kids a break from the day to day book work. Make into a ball for a solid or drop for a liquid. Below is the recipe.
Equal parts water and cornstarch (1 cup to 1 cup)
green paint
Mix with hands until combined.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Save Money on Your Grocery Bill..
I thought I would share this site I have been using for coupon's you can click on the store you shop at, and they will show you coupon match up's great tool for saving lots of money on your grocery bill.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Building Good Character Qualities
There is no doubt that character training is a vital aspect our home schooling. The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 22:15 that, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child." In the book of Romans, it's made crystal clear that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Therefore, it is necessary to train our children diligently. This requires discipline and much repetition to instill in our children a proper godly character which will benefit them and those around them for their whole lives. I have found that my children work and respect people better as they learn these character qualities. With lots of repetition they slowly build these qualities. Here are links to the resources I use.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I did not start out thinking I was going to have a large family.....
I did not start out thinking I was going to have a larger family. I was previously married had a girl and a boy that was it done....I was single for a few years and my kids were out of diapers bottles more independent. Well low and behold I remarried a wonderful man who had never had kids (he also adopted my other children) so we decided to have one...well one turned to 2,3,4 and figured ok were done then I felt like there was another soul that should be apart of our family within months I was pregnant with Tyler my little angel we lost him at 16 weeks gestation and from that day on God layed it on my heart that children are a blessing and since that day my heart has been open for whatever he will give me. Benefits of having many children are they always have someone to play with they are never bored. Our house is never quiet unless they are all in bed sleeping and that's the way I like it. I would not trade my life for anything through all the ups and downs my children are my life and have received the greatest gift god could ever give.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Civil War: freebies
Holy Spirt led homeschooling is sharing Free Literature Based Civil War Study! She has a lot of great information.

www.holyspiritledhomeschooling .net
We're consumed with the study that our family is working on of the Civil War Era. I've designed it with many great books, free online resources {such as maps, videos, projects, lapbooks} and more. I'm freely sharing our literature based study with my readers who sign up via RSS/Email.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
So we just discovered lapbooking OMG...this is the best thing ever to help teach the children. We just put together lapbooks for basic study skills and what a hit...They actually enjoy learning and putting them together. We are going to start doing lapbooking after we finish certain studies, space, continents, people etc. I have found an awesome site that you can get free laptop pages all you need is folders and glue. Here is the link.
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